WriterZen Review 2023 – Make it Favorite

WriterZen Review 2022

WriterZen is a keyword research tool for writers – and it’s simple to use. WriterZen allows you to find the most searched for words on Google from there you can write content around those words. But that’s not all WriterZen does. WriterZen has a number of other cool features including a Revenue planner that estimates your requirement to achieve targeted goal posts in a structured way and a keyword research assistant to help you hone in on the most valuable keywords to target.


WriterZen is really a good keyword research tool in the market. It is a combination of tools that will save your time and energy. WriterZen is a “good package” of tools that are easy to use and will deliver the right results to you. It is a good option if you are looking for a good keyword tool that will deliver the best results to you.

Writerzen keyword research tool gives you the ability to search over 180+ sources and also you can get suggestions from Google’s suggest a feature. It’s very simple to use, just type your keyword and hit enter. There is also a new keyword difficulty tool in WriterZen, you can use this tool to get a difficulty for the keyword you are targeting. The best way to create this content is to analyze the traffic coming to your site and see what your customers really care about.

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How to Use of WriterZen Keyword Explorer

Refer to the WZ keyword Explorer Home link, Here are three types of base search consoles observed i.e. keywords, Domain & Wildcard. Depending upon location and language explore the related keyword details.

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#WriterZen #keywordtoolguide #keywordresearch

WriterZen Keyword Explorer mostly refers to the Google base database

  • Textbook Mode: It facilitates the user to give more details definitions of highlighted terms
  • Tutorial Library: This gives video training and utilization guide of WriterZen tools
  • Search Volume: Shows that refer keyword volume on an earlier month and average annual basis, it also gives the highest and lowest search volume details
  • CPC (Cost Per Click): It’s paid add cost for every click by the user, as CPC cost increases mean this keyword is more demanding
WriterZen Review keyword explorer serp search volume tutorial library texbook mode CPC KD
#WriterZen #keywordtoolguide #keywordresearch
  • KD (Keyword Difficulty): Here give four categories of keyword difficulty that show different types of competitor levels with categorical aspects i.e. ADword, Content, Traffic, Signal. KD Adword shows the ranking position of the competition, same type rank for remaining other categories.
  • SERP Overview: That result in a top ten domain ranking on a suggested keyword (Ref. Ahref database research tool)

Keyword Ideas: It gives the total number of keyword data for suggested keywords, including the phrase and other search results.

Total Search Volume: It is a search volume of all keywords related to identified keyword ideas, this section also gives an estimate of organic traffic result for refer keyword also provide estimates of total organic traffic of the entire keywords consider for the top 1 SERP result domain Average CPC is the mass of average of total keyword ideas CPC.

WriterZen Review keyword explorer serp search volume tutorial library texbook mode CPC KD overview keyword ideas
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Overview Chart: A graphical representation of search volume and trend of giver keyword, it refers to the search volume section as discussed earlier.

Keyword Data: In this section get all details according to word search and also provide different filter options. There are the following types of filters use according to user requirements.

WriterZen Review keyword explorer serp search volume tutorial library texbook mode CPC KD insight keyword data cluster forecast golden filter
  • Exclude & Include: this filter is used to add or exclude any additional word or specific required search with reference to the word
  • Volume & CPC: provide facility to the minimum to maximum limit range of search volume and CPC
  • Word count and Keyword Trending: Gives search result word count for every word or prases, Word Trending shows research word monthly trending, as it in increasing refer with earlier two months highlighted by a star mark
  • Add and export: This facilitates adding keywords in the list or exporting in excel or CSV format, also add in group option but it is temporary to save.

Special Tools

  • Cluster: It’s a special filter tool by WriterZen that programmed such a grouping cluster of seed keywords that provide top ten SERP result domain keyword options.
WriterZen Review keyword explorer serp search volume tutorial library texbook mode CPC KD insight keyword data cluster forecast golden filter
  • Forecast: This provides to estimate or develop user revenue forecast base seed keyword. as per the set revenue goal, it provides estimated traffic, sales, revenue, and goal difference, it guides SEO on where to take action to achieve the targeted goal.
WriterZen Review keyword explorer serp search volume tutorial library texbook mode CPC KD insight keyword data cluster forecast golden filter revenue
  • Golden Filter: It’s also a special tool, which identified and sort out keyword on Ranking Basis also by potential value basis which gives a very quick and more accurate keyword to rank domain. It’s easy for SEO to get a more precise decision.
WriterZen Review keyword explorer serp search volume tutorial library texbook mode CPC KD insight keyword data cluster forecast golden filter

INSIGHTS: In such category, three types of search consoles are observing Questions, Preposition, and Numerical base

  • Questions: These are based on keywords included in the question form i.e. IS, HOW, WHAT, etc. it’s another cluster form by WriterZen AI-based algorithm
  • Preposition: Here seed keyword with preposition form i.e. with, BY, etc. it’s mostly like a long-tail keyword
  • Numerical: Which search for Numerical base with base keyword
WriterZen Review keyword explorer serp search volume tutorial library texbook mode CPC KD insight keyword data cluster forecast golden filter
#WriterZen #keywordtoolguide #keywordresearch

Extra Benefits With same Prices

WriterZen not only provides keyword Explorer Tool but it also provided additional tools at the same cost, tools details like as below

  • Topic Discovery: Finding Content Ideas and Discovering new topics, that refer to google boats which help on what topic of intent to search by user
  • Content Creator: It’s a special AI base tool to guide and suggest details to improve content quality against competitors
  • Plagiarism Checker: Provide originality of content, identify the duplication of content before publishing

Pricing, Plans, and Trials details

WriterZen offers three types of plans also lifetime plan is recently available on Appsumo, Details are as follows

#FeaturesBasic *Standard **Advanced ***
# Keywords Credit with AI Clusteringup to 25 00040 0001 00 000
# Keywords lookup (per 24 hours)up to 5075150
# Golden FilterYESYESYES
# SERP overview data top ten resultYESYESYES
# Revenue estimate and planner functionYESYESYES
# Export FunctionYESYESYES
# Price $$$ include additional Tools$ 39 /mo$ 59 /mo$ 99 /mo
#WriterZen #keywordresearch
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The entire internet is filled with keywords, which makes keyword research an essential skill for any online marketer. There isn’t any one tool that will do all of your keyword research for you. But there are some tools out there that can speed up your keyword research process, which we’re happy to share with you today in our blog post about the WriterZen keyword research tools.

There are a number of different reasons why keyword research is important for your online marketing strategy. The first is that you need to know which keywords to target. Even if you are an experienced marketer, there will always be some keywords that you are unfamiliar with. The second reason is that you need to know how to target those keywords. There are two main strategies for driving traffic from the internet: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC). You need to know which keywords to target for each of these strategies. Last but not least, keyword research gives you a good idea of which keywords are most popular with your target audience.

If you have any questions about keyword research or any other aspect of online marketing, please don’t hesitate to contact us at _. Thank you for reading!

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